
Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Happy Mother’s Day

Hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day with their loved ones.  My family will be celebrating Mother’s Day this Wednesday since my mom said she doesn’t like how crowded the restaurants get during the holiday.  We will be celebrating my baby sister’s 18th birthday the same night too!  So it’s going to be a fun family night!

Sorry I’ve been a little behind with my blog.  I’ve been pretty busy the past couple weeks.  That just means I’ll be updating on those events soon!

I would like to dedicate this post to my mom in honor of Mother’s Day.

I know most people say their mom is the best mom ever but I am not exaggerating when I say I have the best mom in the world!  My mom has always been there for me.  There are certain things my mom have in common with most parents out there like wanting us to go to college and find ourselves a decent job so we can take care of our own family one day.

When I first open my own flower shop my mom was there to help promote my business.  She would tell all her friends to come check out my flower shop and advertise for me the only way she know how.  She still tell people I do flowers even though I’m a wedding planner now.  I always have to remind her I’m like Jennifer Lopez in “The Wedding Planner” 🙂  After a couple of years of doing mainly wedding floral design I decided to go back to school to get my degree in interior design.  She probably thought I was a lil crazy at first but supported my decision anyway.  I kept telling her to hang in there and wait for me….to become rich and famous lol.  After about 5 years in the interior design world, life aka the bad economy kinda forced me to start Vanda Events.  I’ve always had a passion for event planning so I think it was just meant to be.  Even though at times she would nag me about my personal life and want me to settle down and get married and give her some grandchildren already. 🙂  I keep telling her the universe is not ready for me to settle down yet and I can’t fight it 🙂

I think my mom is partly to blame for my craziness lol.  I still remember when I was a kid she would tell me you should always learn as many things you can in life.  So I really took her advice literally!  So I started with my love for languages and took German and French in high school, took mandarin when I was in junior high and took sign language in college.  🙂  I do have one big thing I am especially thankful for…my mom is an amazing chef!  Again I’m not just saying that cus she’s my mom.  Thank goodness I also love cooking and have been cooking since I was a kid.  I also love to eat pretty much everything.  My mom also said to have an open mind and try something at least once and if you don’t like it then you don’t have to try it again.  I pretty much love everything I’ve ever tried so again I thank her for making me have an open mind with food.  🙂   There is that saying “jack of all trade and master of nothing”.  Well, I like to think I’m the master of jack of all trade 🙂  I don’t think I will ever stop wanting to learn everything and try my best to be the best I can be at it.  Life’s too short to just sit around and let life passes you by.  I know financially I am not where my mom would like me to be but I am happy doing what I do.  I’ve been a starving artist for this long so what’s another couple of years.  I’m gonna keep going on my creative journey and go wherever the wind takes me.  At the moment I’m a wedding planner, freelance interior design, and an aspiring photographer.  I wonder what I will have up my sleeves in a couple of years? 😉

Happy Mother’s Day mom!  I love you!


I will try my best to give you some grandchildren in a couple years 😉


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For those of you who have been following me, you may or may not have noticed I take pictures of all my events.  I invested in a fancy schmancy camera about a year and a half ago and I’ve been practicing ever since.  The last 6 months or so I’ve become even more obsessed with photography and have been going to workshops and taking field trips with my photographer friends so I can learn from them.  Well last Friday was an inspirational day for me.  A couple weeks ago I joined “LA Shoot This”, this group on Facebook, and just my luck they had their first annual photo expo at Cypress College today!  I was pretty excited to meet this local wedding photographer named Jasmine Star but little did I know meeting her was one of the best thing that ever happened to me!  She so reminded me of me!  When Jasmine started speaking I turned to my friend Cindy and said I finally met someone that talks just as fast if not faster than I do!  She told us she has a type A and OCD personally and I can totally relate to that too!  She was so real and it was so refreshing to see someone as successful as she is to just be herself and not have to “fake the funk” as she puts it.  I love her energy!  See my related post on my new photography blog.  http://www.bettylangphotography.wordpress.com.

Meeting her today really reminded me of this quote I used to say to myself a lot…”Be true to yourself and everything will fall into place”.  I’ve always believed in this and even though my journey this past 10 years has been a roller coaster of a ride I love every minute of it!  Life’s too short to not do what you love.


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